Sunday, 11 December 2016

6/12/16 - first run through

chorus/cop - For this we have to surround Pop/Jade holding a rock position, we do this on a lower level as it shows jade off. We then proceed to carry her off when told to take her away.

Gaga Kid -  In the opening - radio gaga -

As Emily and I choreographed this number we said we would be in it to boost the numbers as well as be able to help within the rehearsals if there were queries with counts or formations.

Gaga kids are very clone like, therefore we all decided that we should sound quite dead but with a robotic edge to our voices when saying choral lines, as well as making our movements quite isolated to once again give of that mechanical vibe. Making this a decision was effective as we were all the same, making our performance as a group more effective as well as enhancing the point of our characters, the point of our characters being to show how people have been brainwashed to believe all these rules are the way they should be and that all personality has been drained from life.

I found it quite hard to not show emotion within my voice so had to really try within vocalizing the gaga lines so I didn't sound different to everyone else. Some of the others struggle with the timing of the actions within our scene so when we had a spare five minutes I went through with them so they could understand it easier and give them better ways of remembering the timing like cue words, as not all of them were used to doing counts and timing, which was an important factor within this scene and dance.

I think that we still need to work on timing within the song but we are sorting by adding more rehearsals however we will have to practice adding time for doing it with the set as a lot of the movements will be slightly longer if they were walking up or through the set pieces. This will help the overall performance as well because the formations have a vital role within this particular number adding to the theme of the number.

Teen Queen -

In this number we act as bullies against Scaracmouche as the Teen Queens. The Teen Queens were the same as the GaGa kids but more exclusive and have more status being very fashionable (if you could use that term for people in the gaga world). I was Teen Queen 3, so had a few lines, for this character I very much got influence from the stereotypical american school girl bully, who think they are too good for anyone or anything and are very irritating. We all kind of embodied the style of someone from Essex with our vocal choices just with a more annoying twang to it, which instantly shows the audience who we are as a group and the effect we have on the other Gaga people in this instance Scaramouche and highlighting our status.

In Scaramouches song Somebody to Love we act as background singers, but at the same time we act as her conscience. As this is her big song we didn't want to attract attention so we limited the movement to step clicks, sways and just standing and using our acting more than movement to give more of an effect with Scaramouche, also showing how much of an outcast she is with the contrast between her and us.

As a group our job was to intimidate Scaramouche or attempt to as well as show our status and roles within the world of GaGa, I think we did this effectively through our movement, vocal choices and clothing.

Super Yuppie/ Second Cop -

For this the super yuppies were always off cast characters, we came in to add to numbers for the Yuppies as well as being more involved in the scenes than the other Yuppies as we were in rehearsals more than them. For this character we were involved in the numbers Killer Queen, Play the Game and Its a Kind Of Magic. After the first two numbers is when we swap to Cops but still as super yuppies. For the second cop we had to be quite aggressive so i enthused the into my voice when saying my lines to the prisoner (Galileo), we did this to intimidate him more and add more tension to the scene. It was quite hard at first to find the right tone exactly without it sounding stupid or weird so I had a play around with different tones when with the other cops so I could make it correct.

In this rehearsal we had a lot of problems with the cop scene so I suggested that we all created a timing for what we were doing or used cue lines, this let us work a lot more efficiently and quickly with getting it right even if it wasn't what we eventually went with. I learnt that visual contact is important within scenes when communicating, we had a very important job as the cops to create the laser cell with torches in the dark, we had to all have good eye communication so that they turn on/off at the same time as well as moved at the same speed and angle to give the right impression of the cage to the audience after a few tries and timing run throughs we started to get better at it making it more effective.


overall in this rehearsal I felt that I applied a lot of ensemble skills within rehearsing these particular scenes to work more effectively as a group, such as focus, listening to others and commitment. I think for future rehearsals I need to develop more communications skills so that we work as a more successful musical ensemble.

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