Monday, 21 November 2016

Week of the 14/11/16

In this week we had started preparing for our workshop and performance at Durrington high school which will take place on 24/11/16.

We started by having a group discussion on what we wanted our performance and workshop to consist of, some people took notes whilst the majority of us discussed. However we all had lots of different ideas so we had to take it slower because too many people would talk at one time so patience was a very important in this session, we really needed to attain this skill with one another to get work done as well as for when working on the show itself. I think our communication skills slowly improved within this session, eventually hearing everyones different ideas and suggestions which then helped us to make a final outcome.

Although it took a while we eventually came up with the plan of having a mini medley of the show of some of the numbers had done as well as what included everyone as their roles, so we chose songs such as Under Pressure, Radio Gaga, I want it all, Its a Kind of Magic, and We are the champions.  I think this was a good choice of songs as it allowed everyone to display their roles within the performance and to play a part in the front and ensemble.

The overall plan we consummated was, a warm up with the students so they were all lively and in the right mood, so maybe a few drama games like splat or don't show keith your teeth, this allowed us to get them in the right spirits as well as work out what kind of group they were. We then would show them our medley performance, then do a workshop with them based on our performance, get them to show it and then a question and answer at the end of the session.

After coming up with our final plan we divided into two groups, the performance and the workshop. Each group were in charge of creating in more detail their section.

I went with the Performance team as felt my skills would work better there than with the workshop side.

We went into the dance studio and with the list of songs we had chosen we went through listening to them and deciding what order they should be as well as who long each section should be. This took a while as we had to make sure that everyone was happy but also that it made sense to people who were watching and may not have ever seen WWRY before. I felt that we were all really focused within this time and created a really effective arrangement. As a lot of the parts were double cast we had to split the sections in half again for each cast.

My section was I Want It All with Emily, we took the first half of the song as we hadn't done it together in a while as well as Durrington being my old high school they gave me the option which was really nice of the group.

We then went back in with the other group, and discussed what we had done to each group, the workshop lot had created a really cool workshop plan for the kids to do freeze frames to lines chosen from the song Radio Gaga. I felt like they had chosen really well and created an effective task for the students and had put a lot of thought and effort into their task.

After this we split up into our performance sections so I went off with Emily and Olivia, to focus on I Want It All. This was actually really fun to do as we hadn't yet blocked I want it all so it allowed us to play around with different ideas we all had, we really listened to one another and incorporated each others ideas and thoughts to create our final blocking of the number which I really liked.

I think overall in this session we worked really well as an ensemble, we still need to work on our communication with one another more but our focus and commitment was very strong with each other and the task at hand so came out with a god result. I feel that I learnt that with patience and communication things can get done a lot quicker and effectively as a group. I think our focus and commitment really allows us to create an effective piece overall even if we had a few bumps on the way there, but now we know we should be able to get through tasks a lot quicker now as a team.

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