In this lesson we worked on our media group dance piece for the dance show and continued to look at numbers within We Will Rock You.
We started with a warm up that Kat created, which was contemporary based comping from the corner here : Warm Up
In this warm up, I really liked the range of contemporary moments within it as it made it a more challenging and dynamic warm up. Int the first round we face the wrong direction on one move but sort it out for the final moved then do it correct the second time round, from watching the video i really need to work on my transitions and the height of my jumps, however i did remain focused and controlled throughout the warm up.
After this we then worked on our dance show piece, The Media. As we have already started this piece we were just developing and adding to it. We went through what we had already created which was up to the group union section which was repeating ambers solo piece as a group, after this we added on Emily,Jaydee, Megan and I group secret section here --> secret group
We then developed it so that the whole group could do it, this worked effectively as they're were more of us now so the story made more sense of passing the secret/rumour.
We then added a section in which we included the warm up we had learnt at the beginning but changing it slightly, we did it in a progressive canon where one starts and then more come in and join in and so on until everyone is performing it, I described it like a pack of wolves. This also enhances the ideas and themes of the group and how all the information and secrets are spreading and how easy it is for them to spread.
Here was the final outcome for this lesson for the media group dance --> group dance
We then added more to the Seven Seas Of Rhye number from WWRY. As my double cast wasn't here in this lesson I had to contribute to both casts which allowed me to have more practice for the dance we made the decision the previous rehearsal that Liv and I would be in it off cast as well so then we didn't have to change places and get confused.
When we first set the number we had us doing jumps cross the stage both ways before going into our positions however this came across quite chaotic and disheveled so we decided to make it a run the first and a jump the second so it wasn't too overwhelming and untidy. In this rehearsal we were able to get to the end of the number but didn't finish it properly as the ending is quite big.
We added a section in which were are in the centre of the room in a tight group like at the beginning but we kind of repeat the jagged reaching movements cutting across one another to make it have more levels and more interesting and then we repeated the chorus dance motif facing the other direction as our staging is traverse so we have to make sure that we perform to both sides otherwise one side will get bored of looking at backs and bottoms. I think all the new material we added is really effective and adds to the dance because it gives it more dynamics and pathways so it wasn't all the same, i quite enjoy this piece as it involves a lot of characterisation as well as dance content. I think for this number i need to work on where i am going to place my focus and projection within the dance so that i perform to all parts of the audiences.
here is the final run for SSOR in this lesson - SSOR 14/10/16
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