Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Analysing a Budget - PAB

Analysing a Budget - assignment 3

Income - The money gained regularly whether through occupation or investments. - money received

Expenditure - Spending money. - money spent

Contingencies - Extra money put aside for an emergency/ in case expenditure runs over - "allow an extra fifteen percent on the budget for contingencies".

Box office splits - Many theatres offer a 70/30 split ( sometimes a 50/50 or a 60/40) -  The percentages are  usually based off of the people they are cooperating with such as the producers or theatre company, when considering a box office split it means you don't normally have to pay for theatre due to the chosen split percentage.

analysing an example budget from SUSU ~Theatre society 

 I chose to analyse the income of the performance of Punk Rock at The Annex. You can see from these facts that they have already tried to increase their audience and income by setting the show at the halloween slot when it has a theme that can be relatable to and have similar target audiences.

 Looking at their budget proposal, I can already see ways in which they could improve such as Sponsorship and Other Income as shown in the photo they made no income from these sectors.

They could have improved their income with sponsorship through finding someone with similar themes such as a music shop or punk clothing line, and then make a deal with maybe representing them through their merchandise within the production, or in their programme.

With other income they could have offered a workshop in the theme of their production, to attract more audience as well as enthusiastic theatre people who may want to feel more involved charging them therefore using it to create more profit.

This could link with publicity because if they had a sponsorship, they could have had more back up for the posters or get a deal by using the people who do publicity and merchandise for the shop that they are sponsored by.

Here we can see their lack of private funding as no one deposited any money for the production nor did the society therefore this may have created a bad start to the production at the beginning, they maybe could have asked more from the university increasing their private funding.

The rest of their budget was quite explanatory and done well, these were the biggest faults i noticed in which they could have gained an overall higher profit at the end of the production.

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