Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Sources of funding - PAB

Potential sources...

A lot of my funding/budget costs I've been set as deals in kind with people i either know or have contact with in some way making my costs come a lot lower giving me a lower funding need but still requiring one. Fundraising is a big positive in my books and something I think that never really does any harm and you can create enjoyment out of it, something like a cake sale, flash mob or dance-a-thon. As I feel a lot of my performers are going to be younger this is definitely something I would be pursuing for a funding option whilst doing it.

Also crowd funding a part of the society getting everyone to give £10 each to cover for everything for them isn't a lot to ask and a lot of companies ask so much more.

I think if worse came to worse i would donate myself giving around £200 into my own production to give it a bit of a boost and so that it can stand on a stronger plantation.  Ive gained a sponsorship from   a local dance school as long as I promote their school in the programme then they will offer funding for the production as well.

So overall have a good platform to stand on with funding for the production and would be able to adapt if any funding were to fail or fall though.

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