Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Character Intentions and Choices (voice, movement, interactions and costume) for the Tempest

With Gonzala I had quite a few original ideas and Intentions for her character.

Intentions -

When first going through play as Gonzala I felt she had this very elder posh vibe about her who'd had a lot of life experience and was very knowledgeable.

Movement : So I made her posture very upright, chin slightly raised but I made sure her walk was quite slow and paced, no rush to it. I think that with her having no real responsibility (part from looking after the king) she isn't going to be running anywhere, and in her position she would have the money to get people to do things for her if she really wanted, but I don't think she would, she's the kind of character that is friends with everyone of all caliber, for example greeting the mariners and socialising with them, helping prospera and even helping Adrianna. Also being the older character she's going to be a little slower than the others - "my old bones ache, by your patience i must rest."

Voice: With the voice elements for Gonzala even though she is old I wanted her to speak quite swiftly to reflect her intelligence as well as being very well spoken as i don't think she was born into this lifestyle/royalty but has worked for it and grown into it and should reflect through her speech. This shown through her speech and her characters place within society.

Interactions:  I decided that she would be friendly and open with the others but still be wary and keep her ground as well as howling her status more often feeling like she has to prove herself a lot especially around the two girls. However with Antonia and Bastiana I think when they're being pains she would just be very dismissive and ignorant of them treating them like little children.  - " In this kind of merry fooling I am nothing to you, so you may continue and laugh at nothing still."

Costume - With our costumes we had colour themes for our different groups, so being a part of the royals I was blac and white then being from antonias side, we had accents of purple. We were making our version very steampunk like with the costumes but also have a variety of patterns within them to make it more edgy and contemporary. Therefore I went with an original elegant design including such elements such as a bussel and a half top hat with decoration to give it more of a feel, however I also had the idea of creating her a more servant looking vibe costume to relate her more to someone like Adrianna, to really represent that she comes from not as much as people would think but I quickly rejected this idea as it made her seem to much of a servant and then it didn't make sense why she had so much authority within her group. Although as I said she isn't a royal I think that she wouldn't be as dressed up like them in the fact of jewels and costly fabrics but working the best with what she has.

Choices -

After developing our relationships and scenarios more through rehearsals, I decided to either go with intentions or make new choices.

Movement - With her movement I still made very similar to my first choice but made her more relaxed we decided to make her more of a chilled wise woman than an overly posh one, therefore softening up a lot but still having her elegance, pride and status. I also decided that her movement with get slower throughout the story to show her age and that even though she seems like her attitude will never break - "It is Foul Weather in us all when you are cloudy", "have faith sir you need not fear"- she is slowly getting weary.

Voice : I kept very similar, however slowed it down a lot to show that she's really given thought to what she is saying and that what she is saying is important and should be listened to.

Interactions - I kept my original thoughts for her but made her less uptight and more calm and with ease. In my opinion I feel like she would have that mother kind of effect with her interactions towards most people, even Antonia and Bastiana if they really needed support, I see examples of characters similar could be Molly Weasley (Harry Potter) and Gramma Tala(Moana) strong independent more elder women but still soft at heart, this decision being supported through her actions for Prospera and when the three are taunted by ariels spirits. When talking to others i decided to create quite a close proximity between them as well as most of the time to initiate some kind of physical contact whether its hand on the shoulder or pat on the back. - " have faith sir you need not fear"

Costume - because I made her a much more calm persona and motherly figure I felt her costume should reflect that so had a lot less features and made it very simple but elegant. For example wearing a purple chiffon blouse with a long skirt but then wearing soft flat ankle boots to highlight her age.

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