With the help of the make up, i was able to really get into the elderly vibe for my character giving me more to work off of and for people to react to, giving my character that sense of status which I chose Gonzala had within our version of the Tempest.
I think we really communicated our characters intentions efficiently in our final performance by going over the top and accentuating everything we did or said to highlight our characters features and roles in the scenes.
I felt I could have made Gonzala more sassy if i wanted to but it would have started to take away from her being the bigger person in all situations and the wise figure within the story.
I think that with my monologue I could have performed with more confidence and flair but feel also that it would nt have suited the character if i had. My intentions of this performance were to show her passion and how the passion can control peoples decisions completely and create its own speech which is what this monologue really represents and i think i executed this well within my monologue.
Even though I originally intended for her to speak quite brisk, in my final performance decided to add breaks to give a more dramatic flair to it and add more tension for the audience wanting to know what she os going to say or do next. I think i got across her determination and passion with confidence and flair as well and think that shortening it allowed me to focus more on the characterisation audits effects on the audience.
video of monologue -
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