Friday, 26 May 2017

Performance Skills/ commitment to performance - Tempest

Throughout there were a few performance skills that I had to develop within my character through rehearsing and performing process and the commitment I gave tone able to focus on them and come confident.

The first one was pace, when i get panicky on lines i don't understand I speed them up unintentionally  and most people miss what I said, therefore I had to get confident in myself and trust that I knew what I was saying, therefore I could start to say it slower so people actually heard what I said however this one really took me a lot of the process to perfect the skill more. I really committed a lot of time outside of rehearsals to going over my lines slower by recording everyone else's lines on my line learner app and leaving a gap of the time it should take me to say that line in a good tempo, I'd then run my lines along with this tape and know if I finished before the next line started I was too fast, this really helped me to improve this skill and become confident with it.

Another skill what goes in hand with pace is my emphasis and expression, to develop and obtain these, I needed to actually know what was talking about, with Shakespearean it is quite difficult to always comprehend what he is going on about in scenes. Especially having a more mature character it meant her vocabulary was even a bit more extra than normal. Therefore, for this I went through with others what a lot of it meant and wrote it down, as well as looked up a lot of the phrases, so for example the phrase, "My lady the truth you speak doth lack some gentleness you rub the sore when you should bring the plaster", this meaning that she is being a cow when she should be supporting her fellow royal member, its this to have the effect I need to make emphasis on Rub the Sore, to make the offence more prominent and offensive  and then also emphasise on bring the plaster to make the girl realise what she should be focusing on instead of herself for once. I focussed a lot on going through the script at home and when going over my lines to understand my lines as well as others I interact with really helped me develop and become confident in these skills for the performance.

Another performance skill was focus, this one Im usually strong at but with physical theatre scenes that included being attacked by ghouls, being under a trance and your cast mates having to have a over the top dramatic breakdowns a lot, it did challenge me. To work on this I rehearsed those scenes a lot, or went though them at home concentrating on what I was doing in those particular scenes and what emotions or expressions I should be emoting in those moments so that I connoted the scene with them and then thought about them first them the things that made me distracted or laugh. Creating these mindsets really helped me be more confidence with my performance allowed me to focus on character and physical theatre instead of trying not to get distracted by the other things that were going on around me.

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